Bringing Joy to Orphans in Israel
Author: Genesis Insights Editor
Date: July 18, 2023

Earlier this year, our generous Club members, working with Simcha Connections, based in our global headquarters city in Miami, Florida, sponsored a Shabbat Kidush at the Kotel in Jerusalem, sponsoring Bar & Bat Mitzvah celebrations.

Simcha Connection coordinates and facilitates several celebrations throughout the calendar year for young boys and girls. They conduct a spiritual ceremony at the Kotel with the families, and host a beautiful celebration party with music, gifts, and entertainment.

Each boy receives a pair of Tefilin, a Tallit, a suit, a hat, a pair of shoes, Holy Books, and a check for his Bar Mitzvah.

Each girl receives gifts, clothing, silver Shabbat Candlesticks, earrings, and a check. This great organization also provides a meaningful contribution towards the Kiddush at their Shabbat ceremony.

After the ceremony and the celebrations, volunteers reach out to the children to reconnect and continue to educate them.

Together with Rabbi Dalfin, this celebration at the Western Wall is just one of many ways in which Genesis contributes and supports the growth and development of those who have faced difficult circumstances.

Our dedication to the community, those in need, and to humanity is unwavering. We believe that every child deserves to feel loved, valued, and celebrated. We are proud to be a part of making this a reality for these orphans.

Simcha Connection strives to improve the lives of those who are less fortunate. They help widows and orphans who have experienced tragedy and grief in their lives by providing Tzedaka and other meaningful forms of assistance.

They espouse the Torah’s teachings of Ahavat Yisroel following in the steps of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov.

“One should endeavor to be proactive in helping others and always do so in joy and happiness.” – Ahavat Yisroel.

To learn more and donate, please visit Simcha Connection’s website.

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